Author: Larch Hanson

Pear-Dulse Salad

Taste it! Sliced pears (soaked in lemon water to prevent browning) encircling a bed of grated carrot, topped with chopped celery, toasted pecans, and rehydrated dulse cut finely with scissors or knife. Dress with fresh orange juice and olive oil, half & half.

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Veggie Soup with Seaweed Soup Mix

Life evolved from single-celled creatures living in the nutrient-rich ocean. Seaweeds concentrate these nutrients, and when you make soup that includes seaweed, you are nourishing your body’s inner ocean that is around and in the cells of your body. The Seaweed Soup Mix offered at is a chopped blend that is 60% laminaria digitata […]

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Hay Season on the Water

Seaweeds have their seasons of peak vitality just like plants in the garden. In mid-May, kelp plants (laminaria longicruris and laminaria saccharina) are in their prime. On the land, dry air blows in with high pressure from Canada, and in the afternoon, a southwest sea breeze helps dry the kelp that is hung up on […]

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The Work Accomplished, We are Relaxed into Perfection.

In April when I launch the boats into the cove to start the seaweed harvest season, I always ask the universe directly for an omen. Then I listen and watch. (I’ve been doing this for forty years.) One year an eagle hovered over me. That felt like blessing and protection. One year I was standing […]

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Walking the Talk: Healthy Larch at Age 63

Early in life, even though I have a college degree and have taught school and worked in hospitals, I took a direction to stay in the world of physical labor, doing something productive, to be of real concrete service to the world and to keep me in shape. At age 63, I do not regret […]

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A Book Recommendation

Valerie Cooksley, RN, a leading expert on alternative healing, has written an excellent book entitled Seaweed-Nature’s Secret to Balancing Your Metabolism, Fighting Disease, and Revitalizing Body and Soul. She addresses these ailments and more: Cancer and tumors, radiation toxicity and chemotherapy, viral infections, thyroid imbalance, cellulite, arthritis, constipation, gout, hypertension and cardiovascular disease, kidney and […]

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An Organic Standard?

Last year I was approached by an organic certifier. “Tell me about your harvest methods,” he said. “We don’t know anything about seaweed harvesting.” I replied with these facts: My bay is free of boat traffic from October through May when I start the kelp harvest. In the summertime, lobstermen pursue the migration of lobsters […]

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Gwenn Contributes

Greetings to all seaweed friends! I am a new voice coming to you from the coast of Maine. My name is Gwenn, and Larch has welcomed me to work as an apprentice here at Maine Seaweed Company.I have been invited to write this year’s flier, to send warm greetings to all my new friends within […]

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One in ten adult American women have been diagnosed with thyroid disorders, and perhaps as many as 25% of adult American women have clinically detectable thyroid disfunction. The American diet is deficient in iodine because most factory food does not contain iodized salt. The American lifestyle exposes us to the halides: fluorine (in water and […]

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Weather Report:

NOAA Weather Radio has a new computerized voice called “Donna” and she seems to like saying the words “partly cloudy” a lot, except that the skies over Bar Harbor (summer tourist mecca) are always described as “partly sunny”. I live 30 miles east of Bar Harbor, as the crow flies, in the area that is […]

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